Whatever your line of business you can get fast results with our unique Profit Improvement Package in six easy steps. Here's how it works ....
We assess your current position
Firstly, we take the time to really listen and understand your business and how you operate. We think it's vital to look at every aspect of a business and not just the taxation angle. This will include looking at your monthly trading results, comparing your results against your competition, working out your gross margins across different products or services and setting simple benchmarks against which we can measure the effectiveness of the strategies we introduce later. At this stage we may also need to set budgets and re-design your bookkeeping and financial reporting system so ensuring you know exactly where you stand on a monthly basis. We may also need to restructure your balance sheet and personal financial affairs to increase your wealth and reduce your taxes.
Setting targets and goals
We'll help you set both business and personal goals and develop an effective plan for achieving them.
We then help you free up some time so you can work on and not in the business
This may include delegation, employing additional staff, outsourcing or firing your worst customers.
We then explain some key concepts to maximise your chances of successful business improvement
These include working to improve your cash flow, concentrating on your existing customers, focusing on income growth not cost-cutting, recognition of what business you're actually in - that of making profits and lastly, understanding the true importance of testing and measuring every strategy introduced. Otherwise, we won't know which strategies that are working and those that are not.
Select at least six profit-boosting strategies (from the hundreds we have available) in each of the five main variables that contribute towards the profitability of your business
Put these together and you have a marketing plan. Implement five strategies, one in each area, test and measure the effectiveness and modify if necessary. Keep going for a month or so and check how thoroughly the strategies are being implemented. Test and measure again.
Introduce the other strategies, one at a time in each variable and test and measure their effectiveness regularly
Keep going, building upon the strategies that are working and drop any which are ineffective. Test and measure as you go???.
Call now on 0800 ASK NICK or e-mail for your free $350 obligation-free initial business consultation and ask for our free guide "What You Can Do To Improve The Profitability of Your Business".
So that you can see exactly how we can help you boost your profits, slash your taxes, get your finances in order, and help you create wealth, we'll pay for the first meeting you have with us.
We offer a variety of reports, simply click on the link below and complete the form.
Looking after business owners and clients in Hawke's Bay and beyond. We meet our clients wherever they work or live and never charge for travel.
P. +64 6 877 1828
47 James Cook Street, Havelock North 4133
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